About us
Officially founded in 1986, we’ve been serving the community of Lloydminster for over three decades. In that time we’ve introduced programs and activities to help improve the lives of those in the community who have an acquired brain injury. After all we’ve done for the Lloydminster community over the past three decades, we don’t plan on stopping any time soon!

Our storied history
Pat Tenney’s father suffered a stroke. Doris Laybourne’s son sustained a traumatic brain injury in a horse accident. After hospitalization, these individuals returned to their community, however they had lost many skills and abilities they had once relied on to live. After extensive digging, it was concluded that Lloydminster lacked the necessary support for people who had sustained brain injuries, and their families.
These two unfortunate accidents were the spark of what would eventually become the Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society. In 1985, Pat Tenney decided to do a community needs assessment, and investigate the possibility of organizing a support group for brain injured people, and their families. After obtaining the name of the president of the Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society through the Alberta Further Education Council, Pat contacted Bryon Moore, and invited him to meet and discus the possibility of of starting a society in Lloydminster.
A letter was sent to the Meridian Booster, the local newspaper at the time, asking for input and responses. With Bryon and Claudia Moore in attendance, an information meeting was set for January 14, 1986. The two gave an overview of the Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society, and their personal experiences with their son who had a sustained brain injury. The 18 people in attendance resolved that a society was needed to offer support for those with brain injuries in Lloydminster and the surrounding communities. In February, a slate of officers were elected.
It was this sequence of events over three decades ago that lead to where we are now. Our main program, the Life Enrichment Program, began in November of 1987. At first, it was held once a week. By 1993, it had hit it’s capacity, and the Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society established a support group to assist those who couldn’t make it to the Life Enrichment Program. The rest is history. We now offer the Life Enrichment Program three days a week, a walking program two days each week, and host many more services for those who need the helping hand.
Our Services
Our key role in the community
We offer information to the wider Lloydminster community, support for brain injured persons and their families, and activities for our members.
The only cure for an acquired brain injury is prevention. To help prevent brain injury, we offer information, education, and resources for those with a brain injury, their loved ones, and the community of Lloydminster.
The Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society provides the necessary support systems for not only brain injury survivors, but also their families and care givers as well, ensuring everyone can live their best life.
We offer several activities and programs, including the Life Enrichment Program and our Walking Program in the Servus Sports Centre, to promote positive mental health to those who have an acquired brain injury.